Fun at Halloween


?Fun at Halloween: ?樂在萬聖節

In Shi Wan Family, our students are always so excited to celebrate holidays from different cultures. ????????Last Friday, our NETs dressed up so the students could learn about the costumes we wear on Halloween. ?The students got the chance to take some spooky pictures too. Of course the most popular part of the day was saying ?“Trick or treat!” ?and collecting some sweets to take home at the end of the day.??

給孩子與世界接軌的教育:?式宏家?透過不同的體驗式學習,讓學生認識世界。?外籍老師在課前穿著「萬聖節」的裝束???,讓學生認識不同的節日及文化,大家一同說”Trick or treat!”(糖果或搗蛋),氣氛熱烈,學生均樂在其中。????