
1. Primary Literacy Programme – Reading and Writing (PLP-R/W) (P.1 – P.3)

  • To enhance students’ literacy skills through variety of reading and writing activities.
  • To develop students’ phonological awareness.
  • To cater for learner diversity and provide students with focused support through small group teaching.

2. Home Reading Programme (P.1 – P.3)

  • To foster the students’ independence and motivation in learning to read and reading to learn.
  • To promote and support the creation of a home environment that will encourage students to learn to read in English at home.
  • To promote the reading of appropriate English texts.
▲Each student is given two to four books to consolidate the sounds and language structures they have learnt in the lessons every week.

3. Guided Reading Lessons (P.4)

  • Two NETs carry out guided reading lessons with our P4 students weekly. During guided reading, students read books in small groups with the NETs according to their reading levels. The NETs support our students in learning reading strategies like using phonics skills to pronounce new words. We would like to help our students become fluent readers and use these strategies independently while reading.

4. Speaking to Writing Lessons (P.5 – P.6)

  • Our P5 and P6 students really enjoy having their weekly lessons which are co-taught by Mr. Duncan and Mr. William. The speaking activities are thematically linked to the GE units to create a meaningful context for our students to practise target language structures and appropriate speaking skills, and to carry out group discussion and present their ideas. The group discussion promotes our students to learn and use meaningful phrases in their writing afterwards.

5. English Ambassador Teams (P.4 to P.6)

  • Our three English Ambassador Teams help promote English Learning throughout the school. They are high-flying students from P4 to P6 that they work like mini teachers to help our younger students complete their English work. They also help with the English recess games every day. Each EAT team has a weekly training with different topics in English that helps them develop leadership, responsibility and teamwork!

6. English Fun Classes (P.2 to P.3)

  • This year we have two after-school English Fun Classes specially for P2 and P3 students who are not eager to use and learn English. Every week, Miss Greta and Mr. Duncan design various games and activities like whiteboard games and word searches to encourage our students to speak in English and practise their spelling in a fun and relaxing way.

7. Choral Speaking Team (P.2 to P.3)

  • Our choral speaking team (P2-P3) worked very hard to practise for the Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival. The poem they performed this year was about an old teddy bear who is looking for a loving best friend. They were able to bring the poem to life with their lively gestures and voices. Every year, our students take pride in performing onstage together. It is a great opportunity to practise teamwork and presentation skills!

8. English Drama (P.3 to P.6)

  • A professional drama teacher is hired to hold English drama training. During the training, P3 to P6 students will be engaged in different characters and perform their part individually and together as a team. Students can learn how to unite together and build up a good team spirit through participating in the drama training. They will also enter a drama contest competing with other schools’ students after they finish all the training lessons. It is a challenging and fun experience for our students.

9. Study Tour

  • One of the highlights of 2019 was our study tour to Brisbane, Australia. Some of our P4 to P6 students experienced a wonderful cultural exchange as they stayed with host families to learn more about life in Australia. We were also able to share some of our school values as we taught our Australian school buddies how to practise mindfulness. What a memorable experience!

10. The Grant Scheme on Promoting Effective English Language Learning in Primary Schools (PEEGS)