Shi Wan Happy Halloween


Trick or Treat? Trick or Treat? Give me ?something good to eat! ?Please!

It was ?'Shi Wan Happy Halloween'?on Monday. Our students and teachers had lots of fun?! We dressed up with special?Halloween costume and celebrated the festival with Halloween riddles and tongue twister. What an amazing way to learn English?️!

一年一度的 式宏萬聖節?剛過去了!同學和老師們穿著不同的萬聖節服裝?,配戴具節日氣氛的飾物步入校園。

是次活動以萬聖節為主題,進行了不同的體驗活動?,讓同學能感受西方節日的氣氛之餘?,更給予機會學生將生活和英語學習連結,達至「趣學」英語 ?️
